When you get to your destination, do you get to just hang out in that city for a while or do you get right back on the bus and go on your next drive? It's honestly a miracle getting lost doesn't happen more often."ġ1.

Even when they are right, we're trying to drive the bus, read the directions, and watch for the street sign signs. That's because they give us these paper directions that are often wrong or haven't been updated since god knows when.
#Greyhound bus driver salary drivers
You also hear of drivers getting lost a lot. If there aren't enough seats, you gotta wait for the next one, which can be several hours. They just keep selling tickets regardless of how many seats are available. Just because you have a ticket with a specific time and specific date, it doesn't mean you're guaranteed a seat on that bus. The bad rep also comes from the way they operate. between riding and driving, I've never had an issue that was truly concerning. The ones Greyhound owns though largely employ some sort of security that keeps it restricted to ticketed passengers and those waiting for them (Philly for example). A lot of the stations are a hub of homelessness, beggars, and especially in NYC, the mentally ill. In my experience though, most of my passengers were pleasant and just wanted to get from A to B. Even in training they tell us we'll be driving the nations bail jumpers, fleeing felons, ex cons, pimps, and prostitutes. Why do you think Greyhound kind of has a bad reputation?
#Greyhound bus driver salary tv
I offload and go into the drivers room and hear over the TV 'we now have a confirmed touchdown on the Massachusetts Turnpike.' I walked up to the dispatch booth and said, load me up I'm getting the fuck outta here now!"ģ. Downtown was a mess, but we thought it was over. Finally 30 minutes later, I got the all clear. I called Springfield directly, and they said stay put. Then as I got ready to leave Hartford, after clearing with central dispatcher in Dallas that it was OK to proceed, the passengers all freaked out that it had just hit downtown Springfield. I said, park the bus under a bridge and hope for the best. Passenger asked me as we left New Britain, CT, what do we do if one hits. There was another time at Greyhound where I was doing NYC to Springfield, MA the day the tornadoes hit there. Had an inch of ice frozen onto some parts of the windshield. There's my last night of training driving blind through a blizzard (16 inches of snow, zero visibility) all night long on an interstate that was shut down at 25 mph for 10 hours.