Marks/Scars/Tattoos: tattoo on l_arm (inside of arm 6-point star with small 5-part star inside.) tattoo on r_arm (inside of arm 6-point star with small 5-part star inside.) tattoo on r_leg (middle of calf and shin: "birth" in odin symbols) tattoo on l_leg (middle of calf and shin: "death in odin symbols) tattoo on r_leg (on shin aries sign) tattoo on l_leg (circle with lines on both sides, unfinished) scar on arm (pock marks) scar on back (top shoulders and upper back pock marks) scar on leg (both legs pock marks) piercing on l_eyebrow (steel hoop) piercing on nose (septum- hoop) tattoo on r_wrist (egyptian symbol of musical notes) tattoo on r_calf (image of the egyptian god tho about 8 inches tall) tattoo on r_calf (egyptian god) piercing on r_eyebrow (piercing) piercing on nose (piercing in nose) tattoo on l_calf (egyptian god horus) triangular shaped scar (injury).) tattoo on r_leg (right thigh - lightning bolt) scar on r_arm (upper forearm - 2" scar) scar on l_leg (2" scar below knee cap that connects close to the "triangle scar") tattoo on r_forearm ("b-130791") scar on r_leg (1" scar on shin) scar on r_knee (2" scar on left knee cap area) tattoo on l_thigh (upper inner left thigh "rocket popscicle" red,white, and blue) Marks/Scars/Tattoos: tattoo on l_hand ("do you" in cursive on inside of middle finger) tattoo on l_wrist ("=" sign about 1.5 in long on outside of wrist) tattoo on abdomen (mickey mouse head outline 2" height and length) tattoo on r_butt ("your name" in cursive about 4" long 1" tall) tattoo on r_ankle ("," (semi colon) about 1.5" tall on inside of ankle) tattoo on l_forearm (do you middle finger) scar on l_hand (burn scar on thumb) scar on l_leg (on the shin.